The Amazon already has river channels in the process of flooding.

5 river channels are already in the process of flooding and 4 are at the end of the ebb, according to information from the Civil Defense of Amazonas made available on 10/31. The Juruá, Purus, Madeira, Alto Solimões and Rio Negro river channels are in the process of flooding. The Médio Solimões, Baixo Solimões, Médio […]
IPAAM – Repairing environmental damage

The Amazonas Environmental Protection Institute (IPAAM) is a state agency responsible for environmental management, implementation, and execution of national and state environmental policies. The institute is responsible for implementing actions to prevent and repair possible environmental damage, combating deforestation and degrading actions. Ipaam is also responsible for licensing agricultural, forestry and fishing activities, as well […]
Fire Brigade – Fighting fires throughout the state

The Amazonas Military Fire Brigade (CBMAM) provides operational services for searching and rescuing incidents involving people, property, fauna and flora. It also works to prevent and monitor outbreaks of fire, using platforms that update mapped areas in real time. Currently, the fire brigade actions take place through operations Aceiro, Céu Limpo and Tamoiotatá, with operational […]
STATE CIVIL DEFENSE – Prompt response

The work of the Amazonas Civil Defense is extremely important due to the region’s unique and challenging climatic and environmental conditions. The agency plays a fundamental role by carrying out a series of crucial activities, which include constant monitoring of climatic and hydrological conditions, drawing up plans to prevent and prepare for adverse climatic events, […]
SEMA – Environmental policies

The State Secretariat for the Environment (SEMA) is responsible for formulating, coordinating, and implementing environmental policies in Amazonas, as well as managing 42 Conservation Units. On the climate agenda, the department has been working to regulate pricing mechanisms for environmental services, especially in the construction of the carbon market. The secretariat also has the Plan […]
Drought Management Committee 2023

The Amazonas State Government has set up the Intersectoral Committee for Coping with the Environmental Emergency, with the aim of coordinating the activities of the agencies that make it up in the prevention, preparation, mitigation and response to the drought disaster affecting Amazonas. The committee’s work is aimed at preserving lives; reducing or limiting the […]
EL NIÑO and its impacts

In the Amazon, we have also directly felt the impacts of the “El Niño” phenomenon, which is usually associated with more severe droughts in the Amazon, which can result in more frequent and devastating forest fires. Rainfall can decrease during El Niño, affecting the Amazon’s ecosystems and putting pressure on biodiversity. In addition, the amount […]